2024 Massachusetts State Report CardIn accordance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states receiving federal Title I funds must prepare and disseminate annual school and district report cards. Report cards help families, policy makers, and community members see where schools and districts are succeeding and where there is still work to do. Students and TeachersStudent EnrollmentIncludes enrollment statistics for Massachusetts public schools. Educator DataProvides information about the professional qualifications of teachers and educators. Student Attendance and DisciplineStudent AttendanceProvides information about student attendance, including chronic absenteeism and days missed. Student DisciplineReports the disciplines that public school students in Massachusetts received for the offenses committed, as reported by school districts in the School Safety Discipline Report (SSDR). Federal Civil Rights Data CollectionProvides access to Massachusetts' school-level results from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The CRDC collects data related to key education and civil rights issues from almost every public school in the country. The CRDC data are self-reported by districts and schools directly to OCR. For more general information about the CRDC, visit the CRDC home page. Academic OpportunitiesAccess to the ArtsProvides information about student access to arts courses. Access to Digital Literacy and Computer Science CoursesProvides information about student access to digital literacy and computer science courses. Advanced Coursework CompletionProvides information about the participation of high school students in accelerated courses. Grade 9 Course-PassingReports the percentage of students who pass all of their courses in grade 9. MassCore CompletionProvides the percentage of Massachusetts public high school graduates who complete the MassCore curriculum. Success After High SchoolHigh School CompletionProvides information about graduation and dropout rates for high school students in Massachusetts. Graduates Attending Institutions of Higher EducationProvides information about the enrollment of Massachusetts public high school graduates into institutions of higher education after graduating high school. The types include private two-year, private four-year, public two-year, and public four-year institutions. Student Performance on State and National TestsMCAS AchievementIncludes state performance on the most recent Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science and Technology/Engineering. Data are broken down by grade level and subject area, and include data for specific groups of students. MCAS ParticipationProvides state MCAS participation rates by grade and subject. Includes information about student participation in MCAS-Alt and recently-arrived English learners exempted from MCAS. English Language ProficiencyReports the performance of English learners on the ACCESS for ELLs English language proficiency assessment. Massachusetts NAEP ResultsProvides data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for Massachusetts students. The NAEP results are often called the "Nation's Report Card." They are the only measure of student achievement in the United States that allows you to compare the performance of students in Massachusetts with the performance of students across the nation or in other states. Finance and SpendingFinanceProvides information related to per-pupil expenditures of Federal, State, and local funds. Federal School Improvement FundsA list of districts and schools that received federal Title I section 1003 School Improvement Grant funds. AccountabilityState Accountability ResultsReports accountability data for the state as measured by the progress toward improvement targets for all students in the state and for each subgroup. A description of the state's accountability system is available at https://www.doe.mass.edu/accountability/lists-tools/. District and School Accountability ResultsLists the accountability results for all public school districts and schools in Massachusetts and contains links to accountability reports for each district and school. Federal DesignationsThe federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to identify schools as: in need of comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) if they have a graduation rate below 66.7 percent or if they are among the lowest performing 5 percent of Title I schools statewide; or in need of targeted support and improvement (TSI) if they have one or more consistently low performing subgroups. A subset of TSI schools may be identified as requiring additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) if one or more of their consistently low performing subgroups demonstrates performance below that of the 5th percentile Title I school. Districts do not receive a federal designation. |