Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Devens School

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Teacher Data (2022-23)

Total # of Teachers (FTE) 14.6 100.0 603.5 100.0 76,977.6 100.0
Teachers Licensed 14.6 100.0 600.5 99.5 74,754.2 97.1
Teachers licensed in high poverty schools - - 586.5 99.5 17,467.3 94.1
Teachers licensed in low poverty schools - - - - 19,603.1 99.1
Teachers without a waiver 14.6 100.0 600.5 99.5 76,642.4 99.6
Teachers without a waiver in high poverty schools - - 586.5 99.5 18,342.5 98.9
Teachers without a waiver in low poverty schools - - - - 19,760.9 99.9
Teachers without a provisional license 13.6 93.1 549.7 91.1 72,196.1 93.8
Teachers without a provisional license in high poverty schools - - 535.7 90.9 16,891.3 91.0
Teachers without a provisional license in low poverty schools - - - - 19,072.8 96.4
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license 13.6 93.1 546.7 90.6 71,934.0 93.4
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license in high poverty schools - - 532.7 90.4 16,713.0 90.1
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license in low poverty schools -- - - 19,058.8 96.3
Experienced teachers 10.6 72.9 481.9 79.9 62,599.2 81.3
Experienced teachers in high poverty schools - - 469.9 79.7 13,193.4 71.1
Experienced teachers in low poverty schools - - - - 17,367.5 87.8

Administrator Data (2022-23)

Experienced administrators 0.0 0.0 32.7 63.5 7,076.8 71.9
Experienced administrators in high poverty schools 0.0 0.0 23.2 59.5 1,151.3 61.8
Experienced administrators in low poverty schools - - - - 1,160.5 79.7

Additional Data (2022-23)

Percent teaching in-field 100.0 93.2 92.3
Number teaching in-field 15 574 75,421
Percent teaching in-field in high poverty schools 93.3 93.3 86.0
Number teaching in-field in high poverty schools 581 581 17,780
Percent teaching in-field in low poverty schools - - 96.5
Number teaching in-field in low poverty schools - - 21,246
Student/Teacher Ratio 3.2 to 1 12.1 to 1 11.9 to 1

School and District Profiles