Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Van Sickle Middle School

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Enrollment Data

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity (2002-03)
Race % of School % of District % of State
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.0 0.2 0.3
Asian 0.4 2.4 4.6
Black or African American 27.2 28.5 8.8
Hispanic or Latino 52.0 47.2 11.2
White 20.4 21.8 75.1

Enrollment by Gender (2002-03)
  School District State
Female 475 12,835 477,418
Male 532 13,759 505,895
Total 1,007 26,594 983,313

Enrollment by Grade (2002-03)
  PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SP Total
District 755 2,055 2,149 2,170 2,206 2,071 2,216 2,110 2,122 2,017 2,654 1,695 1,238 1,136 0 26,594
Van Sickle Middle School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 370 367 270 0 0 0 0 0 1,007

School and District Profiles