Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Clifford M Granger

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Enrollment Data

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity (1997-98)
Race % of School % of District % of State
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.0 0.1 0.2
Asian 0.2 0.9 4.1
Black or African American 0.6 1.2 8.5
Hispanic or Latino 1.7 1.4 9.7
White 97.5 96.4 77.5

Enrollment by Gender (1997-98)
  School District State
Female 234 2,124 461,431
Male 242 2,210 488,974
Total 476 4,334 950,405

Enrollment by Grade (1997-98)
  PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SP Total
District 0 316 347 354 332 315 345 350 309 364 401 277 295 324 - 4,334
CLIFFORD M GRANGER 0 106 84 91 104 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 476

School and District Profiles