Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Per Pupil Expenditures, All Funds

Year In-District Expenditures Total In-district FTEs In-District Expenditures per Pupil Total Expenditures Total Pupil FTEs Total Expenditures per Pupil
2013 $16,464,086.82 1,644.9 $10,009.17 $17,399,196.01 1,705.3 $10,203.01
2012 $16,442,107.29 1,659.2 $9,909.66 $17,264,375.00 1,714.4 $10,070.21

Chapter 70 Foundation Budget and Net School Spending

Year Required NSS Actual NSS Amount Over or Under Required Actual NSS as % of Required Foundation Budget Actual NSS as % OF Foundation
2013 $14,220,617.00 $14,699,418.00 $478,801.00 103 $14,220,617.06 103
2012 $13,936,066.00 $14,318,355.00 $382,289.00 103 $13,936,065.53 103

School and District Profiles