Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.
Data last updated October, 04 2023.

Annual Goals - 2019
Goal #1 To implement our pilot year of Pre-Practicum Gateway Assessments and tracking of these assessments so they are truly an indicator of readiness for the Practicum.
Goal #2 To continue to integrate and streamline our data management systems so that data that program faculty and staff need is readily available and accessible.
Goal #3 We plan to establish more formal partnerships with few districts in order to build more sustainable relationships over time. We will begin our focused efforts with our very local partner, Amherst, but we will also focus on Holyoke, Springfield, and other urban, suburban, and rural districts in western MA.

Annual Goals - 2018
Goal #1 To develop and formalize a Memorandum of Understanding with the Holyoke Public Schools that will serve as a model structure of sustainable pre-service teacher education. We plan to develop additional agreements beyond Holyoke, but this is the starting point for the new Associate Dean.
Goal #2 In terms of recruitment and preparation of the highest quality teacher candidates who are ready to teach on day one, we will be piloting our candidate dispositions tool in 2018-2019. We will use this tool at entry to program as well as during the program. Combined with the CAP assessments and program assessments,
Goal #3 To integrate our university Student Information System (SPIRE) with our data management system for educator preparation (TK20/Watermark). We are currently in discussions with the University IT office and will be working to integrate these systems in order to achieve greater efficiency and tracking of our candidates.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 The unit will have developed the next unit-wide assessment.
Goal #2 Continue work on setting a structure to ensure the sustained involvement of P12 partners in the design, implementation and assessment of field based experiences and evaluation of the unit's programs.
Goal #3 The unit wide training for supervising practitioners and program supervisors that impacts candidate effectiveness will be refined and implemented and an evaluation tool to assess impact will be designed.